CLOCC is a nationally recognized leader for community-based obesity prevention. We support, coordinate, and unite partners to promote healthy and active lifestyles for children and families. Our multi-sector approach emerged in Chicago and can be adapted for use anywhere.

Explore our focus areas:

Food & Beverage
Physical Activity
Early Childhood
Health Education
Research & Evaluation
Policy & Advocacy
Business Sector

Food & Beverage

We’re helping to build a healthier food and beverage environment in Chicago by implementing strategies to make healthy options more readily available where Chicagoans live, work, learn, and play.

Physical Activity

Children need safe and accessible places to be physically active. We’re working on strategies to make walking and biking easier in Chicago neighborhoods.

Early Childhood

Research shows that childhood obesity prevention must start early. We focus on children from birth to 5 years of age, their families, their environments, and the organizations and institutions that serve them.

Health Education

We develop and disseminate evidence-based messages with recommendations for children and families to help them adopt healthy, active lifestyles. Clear and accurate information helps children and families make the best decisions for health.

Research & Evaluation

Our work is evidence-based and data-driven, incorporating our own community-based research as well as the latest science on childhood obesity prevention. We provide training and tools for evaluation and research that help partners deliver successful programs and services.


Children spend significant portions of their day at school. Educational environments are an important setting for promoting and supporting health and wellness. We support environments in and around schools so that healthy eating and physical activity are a part of every child’s day.

Policy & Advocacy

Institutional and public policy are critical for creating healthy and active environments where children live, learn, and play. We help organizations develop health-supporting practices and advocate for effective health-related policy at the city, state, and federal levels.

Business Sector

Businesses and corporations can play a vital role in childhood obesity prevention, both in their policies for employees and their families and with their products and services for the general public. We work with employers to promote and support healthy lifestyles inside and outside of the workplace.