Resource Library
Browse our extensive library of materials.
Please note that, while some of these materials are available for immediate download, there may be some secure items for which you must request access.

2015 Founder’s Award Nomination Form
CLOCC participants and staff members are invited to nominate individuals for the 2015 Founder’s Award (limited to one nomination per year). Please complete the following nomination form and limit the nomination to two full pages. NOMINATIONS ARE DUE TO CLOCC BY 5:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015. Email the nomination form to with “Nomination” in the subject line. The winner will be announced at the December 9 2015 Quarterly Meeting. Questions? Email

2020 Chicago ANEHW CampWell Job Responsibilities
For parks and organizations applying to the Chicago – Activating Neighborhood Environments for Health and Wellness (ANEHW) initiative.

2020 CHICAGO ANEHW CampWell Partner Application DOC
For parks applying to the CampWell and Chicago – Activating Neighborhood Environments for Health and Wellness (ANEHW) initiative.

2020 CHICAGO ANEHW CampWell Partner Application PDF
For parks applying to the CampWell and Chicago – Activating Neighborhood Environments for Health and Wellness (ANEHW) initiative.

2020 Chicago ANEHW CampWell RFA Description
For parks applying to the CampWell and Chicago – Activating Neighborhood Environments for Health and Wellness (ANEHW) initiative.

2020 Chicago ANEHW CBO Letter of Support
For organizations applying to the Chicago – Activating Neighborhood Environments for Health and Wellness (ANEHW) initiative in partnership with a local park.

2020 Chicago ANEHW CBO Partner Requirements
For organizations applying to the Chicago – Activating Neighborhood Environments for Health and Wellness (ANEHW) initiative in partnership with a local park.

2020 Go Team Game Circuit Training Challenge
2020 Go Team Game: Circuit Training Challenge